
Philanthropy In Times of Coronavirus

Philanthropy In Times of Coronavirus

These are indeed trying times. Our world is faced with a pandemic that has all but stopped our daily lives. Around the world our fellow humans are coming together (apart) to defeat this deadly disease.

 The philanthropic sector has a great responsibility at all times, and especially during this pandemic. The sector has the responsibility to hold together the safety nets so many in our communities rely upon. Beyond providing for the basic needs -- food, clothing, shelter, safety, health and wellbeing -- the philanthropic sector also provides the cultural enrichments that enhance our lives with vibrant and meaningful experiences. The pandemic has made these the safety nets and cultural enrichments vulnerable. 

 So what do we do?

How do we keep our eyes focused on our mission and those benefiting from our good work?

 We can choose to panic, or we can keep calm and look at this as a time of opportunity. A time to be creative in how we invite others to partner with us to keep the mission afloat.

 People, so many people, are asking “how can I be of service?” 

 We, the philanthropic sector can answer that question. And we don’t need to feel guilty. We shouldn’t feel guilty, because helping feels good and there are many out there who are eager and willing to help. And the need is great.

 During the coming days and weeks, J. Milito & Associates is here for you, here to be of service to your organization. No strings attached.

 Whether it’s through the Facebook group “Philanthropy in Times of Coronavirus ”, or weekly interactive discussion on topics of interest to you, J. Milito & Associates is using our years of experience and willingness “to be of service” that is prompting our activities. This is our opportunity to give back to the philanthropic sector, to help make us stronger and more focused life-changing missions. 

Let's get through this together.

720 Three Mile Rd. NW
Suite 2
Grand Rapids, MI 49544